Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

Islam & Valentine

Why islam rejected valentine "Valentine" became a familiar term and referred to the momentum of the popular February 14. Momentum keeps separate values for those who celebrate it. Thus not infrequently February 14 actualized as a special celebration each year. Starting with a special gift packaging, cast saying "Happy Valentine", to hold a big celebration like a wedding reception. This is considered reasonable for a momentum that "privileged".

However, the fairness of the celebration of Valentine's being debated, even inviting warm conversation, when Islam took part for the privilege of this celebration. Valentine is believed to be a culture born of the Christian religion has involved the greater part of the Islamic youth to celebrate. It is considered one that gave birth to the claim of "unlawful" for Muslims who celebrate it.

why islam rejected valentine Ironically, the fatwa "unlawful" for Valentine's Day celebration for Muslims, not even making Muslims (especially teenagers) to leave this Valentine celebration of culture, but on the contrary, the celebration actually ingrained and "grounded" in Islamic society in general. Is it because the doctrine is an "independent reasoning" that the new law lacks clarity as other life issues, he explained fatwa "illegitimate" for the celebration of Valentine's Day is less likely to have "generic sense", which in turn makes it less ignored fatwa.

History of Valentine's vagueness why islam rejected valentine
Unlike the other big days such as December 25 as Christmas day, or 12 Rabi 'al-Awal, which is Muhammad's birthday, February 14 actually has a "vague history" as a great day. Most people call this a day of "love", but no concrete foundation and argumentative kebenarannya.Menurut to refute the Catholic Encyclopedia (Catholic Encyclopaedia 1908), a term adapted from Valentine that the name "Valentine" at least refers to the three martyrs or saints (a saint) is different, namely: a priest in Rome, a bishop Interamna, and a martyr in the Roman province of Africa. The connection between these three martyrs of the celebration of love does not have a clear historical record. Even Pope Gelasius II in 496 AD stated that in fact nothing is known of this martyr of the third. February 14 is celebrated as a saint Valentine warning as an attempt to surpass the holiday Lupercalica (god of fertility) that was celebrated on February 15.

Unlike the other big days such as December 25 as Christmas day, or 12 Rabi 'al-Awal, which is Muhammad's birthday, February 14 actually has a "vague history" as a great day. Most people call this a day of "love", but no concrete foundation and argumentative kebenarannya.Menurut to refute the Catholic Encyclopedia (Catholic Encyclopaedia 1908), a term adapted from Valentine that the name "Valentine" at least refers to the three martyrs or saints (a saint) is different, namely: a priest in Rome, a bishop Interamna, and a martyr in the Roman province of Africa. The connection between these three martyrs of the celebration of love does not have a clear historical record. Even Pope Gelasius II in 496 AD stated that in fact nothing is known of this martyr of the third. February 14 is celebrated as a saint Valentine warning as an attempt to surpass the holiday Lupercalica (god of fertility) is celebrated on 15 Februari.Beberapa source mentions that the saint's body was identified as Hyppolytus the saint's body is put into a Valentine gold coffin and sent to the Carmelite church Whiterfiar Street Churc in Dublin Ireland by Pope Gregory XVI in 1836. Since then, many tourists who visit the church on February 14. On that date a special Mass was held and dedicated to the young people and those who are in a relationship of love.

why islam rejected valentine The first record of association with the saint's day of love began in the 14th century in England and Prrancis, where it was believed that February 14 is the day when the birds find their spouses. These beliefs are written in English literary works of the 14th century named Geoffery Chaucer. In these works he wrote: "... for this was sent on seynt valentyne's day, ... when every Foul Cometh chosehis There to matc (this was sent on the day of saint Valentine, ... when all the birds come there to choose his partner)".

why islam rejected valentine Another source of a Valentine's card of the 14th century who is said to be part of the collection pernaskahan British Library in London, told some of the legends of saints Valentine, among others noted that: the evening before Valentine was killed as a martyr, he wrote a little love statement given to the prison warden reading "of Valentinus". It is said that when the Roman soldiers were forbidden to marry by the Emperor Claudius II, saint Valentine secretly helped marry them. That's why at the time the couple was making love with the usual exchange of notes and calls his partner as "Valentine".

Valentine Celebration Actualization
Bit records "vague history" celebration of Valentine's background outlined above are still not enough reason to associate with the February 14th day of love. Oddly, to this day Valentine's celebration of the actualization flourish and thrive as the growth of mushrooms in the rainy season. Yet, without realizing this celebration has been removed from the church calendar in 1969 as an effort to eliminate the belief in saints history of the origins of the legend was limited and still need to be questioned.

why islam rejected valentine Bit records "vague history" celebration of Valentine's background outlined above are still not enough reason to associate with the February 14th day of love. Oddly, to this day Valentine's celebration of the actualization flourish and thrive as the growth of mushrooms in the rainy season. Yet, without realizing this celebration has been removed from the church calendar in 1969 as an effort to eliminate the belief in saints history of the origins of the legend and only limited dipertanyakan.Aktualisasi still need a further celebration of Valentine's fertility can be seen in some regions of the world that helped put time to celebrate. As in Japan, Valentine's Day, thanks to large-scale marketing, as a day where women give men chocolate candy they love. This was not done voluntarily, but as an obligation, especially for those who work in offices. With a few additional features, Thaiwan also actualize such a celebration of Valentine's Day Valentine's Day celebration France ini.Di toned with fireworks, while in Australia the usual teenagers congregated along the road with friends and their partners to celebrate Valentine's Day why islam rejected valentine

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